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The optimism and excitement for second home ownership near Eagle Point is well earned. 


Word is starting to get out about Eagle Point. The resort has experienced visitation records over the past few years, driving real estate development. Shane and his team aim to both serve this increased demand and preserve the uniquely tranquil feeling at Eagle Point. Check out the blog posts to the right and the About page to learn more about our development history and strategy.





All Season Destination

Summer recreational activities at the resort and surrounding region have transformed the area into a year-round destination in recent years. The mild summer climate and proximity to Utah's "Mighty Five" National Parks are huge pull factors. The highly acclaimed Bryce Canyon National Park and Zion National Park are each only 2 hours away.


Population Growth

The region's popularity and recent boom can, in part, be attributed to southern Utah’s unique demographic growth. In 1980, St. George proper had a population of 11,350. In 1990, it more than doubled to 28,502. In 2000, the population had nearly doubled again to 49,728. In 2010, the population had reached 72,897. The entire St. George metro area (St. George, Washington City, Santa Clara and Ivins) registered at 151,948 in 2014. Cedar City has seen similar growth rates: 10,972 residents in 1980, 13,443 residents in 1990, 20,527 residents in 2000, and 28,184 residents in the 2010 census. 


Additionally, Cedar City’s Southern Utah University is setting enrollment records annually and leads Utah in year to year growth. Utah Tech University in St. George is also reporting a 5%/year annual increase in student enrollment. 



Located at 10,000 feet, Eagle Point has diminished exposure to the effects of climate change, which continues to threaten the long term future of many resorts, particularly those in California and others across the west below 7,000 feet.


A Guaranteed Future

Eagle Point owns the land upon which the ski resort operates, as well as over 1,000 acres of land around the resort. This limits the federal bureaucratic interference that most resorts face as they operate based on leases from the National Forest Service. These resorts are subject to dynamic regulations enforced by third-parties. The area high above Beaver will always remain in sound balance with nature.


We’re ready when you are ready to buy.  We’re also ready to just talk if you are not ready yet.


Give us a call at (435) 438-3634 or email Browse our current listings here.

Insiders’ View
Eagle Point Resort offers a Property Management Service Program to help maximize the value of your investment and rental income.

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